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Future Woodlands Scotland

Why we’re championing small-scale tree producers

Small-scale tree nurseries across Scotland are essential to expanding native woodlands. They provide a sustainable supply of healthy young trees that are vital for the future of Scotland’s woodlands. Yet, many face challenges related to efficiency and sustainability.

To help tackle these issues, we’re exploring how we can help create a sustainable support system that meets the unique needs of these ‘nano’ nurseries – ranging from one-person operations to community-run projects. These nurseries typically produce between a few thousand and 100,000 trees annually.

First workshop at Dundreggan Rewilding Centre

In August 2024, we hosted a workshop at the Trees for Life Dundreggan Rewilding Centre, which brought together 30 representatives from small nurseries across Scotland, including those from remote areas such as the Shetland Isles and the Hebrides. The event covered key topics including nursery efficiencies, sourcing materials, marketing, pricing, and legal compliance.

Our CEO, Shireen Chambers, said: “It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and collaboration from workshop participants.  These tiny and often remote nurseries are absolutely critical for the successful creation of new native woodlands. A big thank you to everyone who contributed, especially the Scottish Forestry Trust, who helped fund the event.”

The next step involves compiling feedback from the workshop and identifying areas where small nurseries need focused support. It is hoped that this will lead to structured training, resources, and funding to ensure the sustainability of these nurseries.”

If you have a small-scale nursery in Scotland or would like to find out more about this project, get in touch.