If you are thinking of planting a smaller native woodland, you may be eligible for financial support.
Our Small Woods Area Payment option can help you with the cost of planting and managing trees and is a low risk way to plant or regenerate native trees.
You just need between 3 and 5 hectares of land. It’s part of our Future Woodlands Fund pilot scheme, which aims to restore or enhance up to 650 hectares of native woodland in Scotland.
About the Small Woods Payment Option
This fund offers financial certainty for land managers, with upfront area payments to ease cashflow at implementation, along with free advice and support. It also helps support future work on nature-based solutions for climate change in Scotland.
Financial incentives:
• Full cost of developing a Forestry Grant Scheme application.
• Area payment of £3500/ha paid in two stages – 75% to assist with establishment works and 25% on completion of planting.
Woodland Carbon:
• All carbon units generated by the scheme are owned by Future Woodlands Scotland.
• All Woodland Carbon Code requirements are managed by Future Woodlands Scotland.
• Revenue raised from the sale of carbon units is reinvested in further charitable support for woodlands in Scotland
• Future Woodlands Fund agreement (55 years). For more information, please see the Small Woods Agreement Summary.
• Forestry Grant Scheme contract (20 years).