This project offered an opportunity to secure and enhance the biodiversity resource within surrounding ancient woodland fragments and PAWS, by increasing connectivity and creating new habitats for ancient woodland specialists to colonise over time.
Future Woodland Scotland have provided technical and financial support for this 20 hectare scheme, along with the nearby 49 hectares of ghost woodland restoration, as they will contribute positively to continued woodland expansion within the Glen.
Application made
8th February 2022
Protected species
Pearl-bordered Fritillary within 1km. Chequered Skipper, Otter within 2km. Wild Cat, Pine Marten, Water Vole, Red Squirrel within 5km.
Black grouse and range of birds of prey species with 5km, including Golden Eagle, Merlin, Hen Harrier and Goshawk.
Expansion of important woodland habitat networks including ancient woodland fragments and PAWS restoration sites. Extending the Loch Sunart native woodland habitat and connecting to Sunart SSSI / SAC designated sites. Enhancement of biodiversity resources.
Land manager objectives
To create a new area of native woodland that will: