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Future Woodlands Scotland

Cockburnhill | High quality hardwood timber

Whilst our charity had been prioritising native species, we also support other broadleave timber species. We provided financial support towards planting productive broadleaves which will produce high-quality hardwood timber and provide a long-term storage of carbon.


32 hectares


11th March 2022

Protected Species

Otter, badger, red squirrel and water vole recorded within 5km.


Snipe, Oystercatcher and Dunlin recorded within 1km.


This new woodland creation site will contribute to developing habitat connectivity between larger woodland blocks and riparian areas located to the west and wetland habitats including Balerno Common SSSI to the east. It will also provide a softening of the current structured land use of uniform-shaped field enclosures with shelterbelts.

Land manager Objectives