Seed donor site at Balerno during flowering. Photo: R. Worrell
Woodland creation often occurs on former agricultural land and the development of accompanying woodland flora is generally overlooked. The likelihood of ground flora developing is minimal as the plants are missing from the nearby habitats. This project, devised and undertaken by Rick Worrell, comprised a series of small trials aimed at investigating ways of establishing common woodland plants in 15-25 year-old broadleaved woodland.
Populations of plant species were established in lots at four different locations across central Scotland and monitored for 5 years.
Read Rick’s final report which provides an overview of the approach, design and site selection, methods of translocating, sowing and planting, monitoring of growth, survival and flowering and results.
The work highlighted the need for long-term research, find out more in the NatureScot report on establishing woodland plants.
NatureScot flagged the activity as one that carries great potential for involving volunteers:
“Activities associated with undertaking translocations are very suitable for volunteer involvement (providing health and educational benefits), can strengthen community interactions, and increase the amount of spend in areas local to the donor and release sites. It provides many opportunities for connecting with nature, improving health and well-being, and learning from and about nature.”