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Future Woodlands Scotland

Ancient Slope Alder Wood Pasture

Amount: £10,000 Location: Dumfries & Galloway Awarded: March 2024

Ancient Tree Survey at Dairy Wood. Photo: C Newell

Borders Forest Trust are undertaking an integrated study which will allow for the sensitive ecological restoration and expansion of a rare surviving habitat and provide a resource for more widespread recognition and restoration of ancient wood pasture, slope alder wood pasture in particular.

The integrated ecological and historical case study of Dairywood will create a detailed picture of the woodland on which to build a plan for the restoration and expansion of this habitat, and create a learning resource and demonstration site for other organisations and future work. The hope is that this work will further facilitate the restoration of these important woodlands, showcase best practice and promote collaboration in an upland context.

“Wood pasture may offer a structure that can reunite forester, farmer and naturalist in restoring and maintaining a valued habitat and a sustainable multiple land use (Stiven & Holl)”

The four activities are:

  1. historic map studies, focussing on woodland, related settlement and land-use evidence
  2. specialist walkover observations, including tree types, forms, their relationship to archaeology and topography
  3. dendrochronology, for information on tree age and management history
  4. in-depth ecological survey of the habitat will be undertaken to create a detailed ecological baseline, to include recommendations for future management including grazing regimes.

We will publicise and disseminate the learnings here in 2025.