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Future Woodlands Scotland

Acoustic monitoring

Amount: £5,668 Location: Scotland Awarded: April 2022

Automated Recording Units were attached to suitable trees for all of the surveys. Photo: Carbon Rewild

We funded Carbon Rewild to test the suitability of bioacoustics to carry out simple and accessible biodiversity monitoring surveys that can be deployed in multiple locations within a site by experts and non-experts alike. Automated recording units captured the acoustic signatures of wildlife, including vocalisations and other sound-producing behaviours across 12 Scottish woodland sites.


“Our study allowed us to test our methods and equipment in different environments and seasons, this was crucial to our work. We identified 78 bird and 5 bat species capturing 200,000 minutes of audio data, including tracking the activity of the Chiffchaff, a migratory bird species. Several species of conservation concern, such as Woodcock and Tree Pipit, were also identified.”

Listen to the Woodland Birdsong captured by the study.

Read the full report

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